Professional translations
Guaranteed quality and best price
You can entrust us with the translation and legalization of your documents.
We value your comfort and peace of mind
About the company
Our translation agency consists of certified translators with experience in translating and preparing translations of official documents. We translate foreign documents for official use in Russia, and Russian documents for use
in foreign jurisdictions for more than 12 years. We know what consular legalization, Apostille, translation certification at the consulate, and CCI legalization are.

You can entrust us with the translation and legalization of your documents: your comfort and peace of mind are important to us
St. Petersburg, Kamennoostrovsky Ave., 42, 2nd floor, landmark Copy Center OQ

Saint Petersburg, Tyushina str., 8

Saint Petersburg, Zvezdnaya str., 8

Phone number: +7 (905) 212 0124
Affordable price
Simple, affordable pricing structure.
No hidden fees or other tricks. We'll tell you the final price right away, and it won't change in the process.
We always strive to deliver a high-quality translation in a timely manner. If you are not satisfied with the quality of the transfer, we will promptly make changes or refund the money.
We ensure the highest quality of translation by introducing various tariffs that you can choose for the best performance of your tasks.
We know how to maintain a high level of security and ensure 100% confidentiality when translating documents.
Quality assurance
We are all for high-quality and professional translation! The transfer is guaranteed for 12 months. If you are not satisfied with the quality or we make a mistake, we will correct the translation under warranty


Our translators have higher professional education and are fluent in all languages
    • Azerbaijanian
    • English
    • Arabian
    • Armenian
    • Belarusian
    • Bulgarian
    • Hungarian
    • Vietnamese
    • Greek
    • Georgian
    • Danish
    • Hebrew
    • Indonesian
    • Spanish
    • Italian
    • Kazakh
    • Catalan
    • Kyrgyz
    • Chinese
    • Korean
    • Latvian
    • Lithuanian
    • Macedonian
    • Moldavian
    • Mongolian
    • German
    • Dutch
    • Norwegian
    • Persian languages
    • Polish
    • Portuguese
    • Romanian
    • Serbian
    • Slovak
    • Slovenian
    • Tajik
    • Thai
    • Turkish
    • Turkmen
    • Uzbek
    • Ukrainian
    • Finnish
    • French
    • Croatian
    • Montenegrin
    • Czech
    • Swedish
    • Estonian
    • Japanese
Order a translation of your documents now.
We'll do it quickly and accurately!
  • Certified translators only
    We work only with professionals,
    so we maintain a high level of quality
  • High quality indicators
    More than 75% of our customers contact us
    again, the loyalty index is 93%
  • 100% money back guarantee
    We are financially responsible for
    quality. Bad transfer - we will refund your money
  • 49 translation languages
    We translate any documents into Russian
    or from Russian into 49 popular languages
  • We work seven days a week
    Price per transfer on weekends at standard rates
  • Individual approach
    We can find the best solution for your documents
Services and prices
Translation of any foreign passport, driver's license, or standard CIS document
₽ 2 200
Urgent every day
₽ 1 500
The next day
₽ 1 500
Reissue every day

Translation fee

from ₽ 520
Translation into major European languages
Show more
from ₽ 520
Translation into Armenian, Georgian, Croatian, Montenegrin and other languages
Show more
* transfer of citizenship stamps is not included in the rate.
Additional services
*If you order 3 stages, you will get a discount of 1,000 rubles for each stage.
* The consular fee is paid by the client independently and is not included in the service price.
Notarization of the transfer
₽ 1 000/signature
Notarized copy
₽ 100/page.
Cross-linking with the translator's signature
₽ 500
Translation Agency Seals
₽ 100/page.
Copy services and scanning
₽ 15/page.
Color printout
₽ 80/page.
₽ 5 500 (including state duty)
₽ 3 000/stage
₽ 500
How we work
Account Manager
Accepts and evaluates your order.
Order payment
You pay for the order, and then we start the translation process.
Translation of the material
This stage depends on the selected pricing plan.
Satisfied customer
You get a perfectly executed translation.
  • Extra charge for urgency - we can make the transfer faster. In this case, increasing coefficients are applied to the tariffs K1, 5; K2
  • Mark-up for specialized text and complex topics up to 100%
  • We translate by a native speaker under special conditions

How to pay

By bank details
Using a bank card from the site or using a QR code via the BSP
At the office in cash or by card
We will calculate the price for translating your document for free
Questions and answers
Can I use your services online without visiting the office?
Yes, it is possible. You can pay for the transfer from your bank card, e-wallet,or invoice. You can get it either online in electronic format, or by courier delivery.
I want to know the transfer price in advance. How can I recognize her?
You can get the cost calculation for free by filling out the application form or sending the documents to our email address. The calculation of the cost and terms is free of charge and does not oblige you to do anything!If you have any additional questions, please contact our customer service specialists from 09: 00 to 21: 00 on any day of the week.
If you need a large volume transfer, can I count on a discount?
Yes, we have a cumulative discount system for non-urgent orders with a volume of more than 50 pages.
Volume discounts: More than 50 pages-10% discount
More than 150 pages-15% discount
More than 300 pages-20% discount
Working with us becomes more profitable with each order!
Our addresses:

St. Petersburg, Kamennoostrovsky Ave., 42, 2nd floor,
Recreation center of the Leningrad City Council
Entrance through the concert hall, landmark Copy Center OQ
Mon-Fri 10: 00-19: 00

Saint Petersburg, Tyushina str., 8
Mon-Fri 10: 00-18: 00

Saint Petersburg, Zvezdnaya str., 8
Mon-Fri 10: 00-20: 00
Sat-Sun 11: 00-18: 00

Phone: +7 905-212-01-24
Direct number: 8 812 982-01-24
Telegram/WhatsApp: +7 905-203-76-25